Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I have the apt to myself for a month. It's a good feeling, but it'll spoil me for when 4 other dudes invade and make a mess everywhereee. It's already hard to clean up after myself sometimes, I greatly do not look forward to cleaning somebody's shit out of the toilet, or telling them to etc etc.

There's an A league game tomorrow, so I just refrained from hitting the weights. BLi would be disappointed.

I did 3 pyramids of pullups, palms facing towards, away, and wide grip.
I managed up to 9 on the first two, and 7 w/ the wide grip. If anything, my forearms are getting a good workout. I can almost get the little vein to come out of it. almost.

I then tried to do glute-ham raises under the couch; my hammy's burned. I definitely like it better than the leg curl machine though. I'm not sure if any of the gyms have a GHR machine though..

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